💻 About Me

Kai Wang received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Beijing Jiaotong University. He is currently a Professor with the School of Computer Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Weihai. Before joined HIT, he was a postdoc researcher in computer science and technology with Tsinghua University. He has published more than 40 papers in prestigious international journals, including IEEE TITS, IEEE TCE, ACM TOIT, ACM TIST, etc. His current research interest is on applied machine learning for network attacks detection and information forensics. He is a Member of the IEEE and ACM, and a Senior Member of the China Computer Federation (CCF).

📖 Publications (Since joining HIT)

Preprints on arXiv

Effective In-vehicle Intrusion Detection via Multi-view Statistical Graph Learning on CAN Messages

arXiv:2311.07056, Nov. 2023

Kai Wang*, Qiguang Jiang, Bailing Wang, Yongzheng Zhang, Yulei Wu

Paper | Code

LiPar: A Lightweight Parallel Learning Model for Practical In-Vehicle Network Intrusion Detection

arXiv:2311.08000, Nov. 2023

Aiheng Zhang, Kai Wang*, Bailing Wang, Yulei Wu

Paper | Code


Computation Cost-driven Offloading Strategy based on Reinforcement Learning for Consumer Devices

IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 4120-4131, Feb. 2024

Rui Zhang, Hui Xia*, Zijun Chen, Zi Kang, Kai Wang*, Wei Gao*

Paper | Code


Analysis of Recent Deep Learning-based Intrusion Detection Methods for In-Vehicle Network

IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 1843-1854, Feb. 2023

Kai Wang, Aiheng Zhang, Haoran Sun, Bailing Wang*

Paper | Code

GNN-based Advanced Feature Integration for ICS Anomaly Detection

ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, vol. 14, no. 6, Article 106, pp. 1-32, Nov. 2023

Shuaiyi Lyu(Lu), Kai Wang*, Yuliang Wei, Hongri Liu, Qilin Fan, Bailing Wang*

Paper | Code

Process-Oriented Heterogeneous Graph Learning in GNN-Based ICS Anomalous Pattern Recognition

Pattern Recognition, vol. 141, Article 109661, Sept. 2023

Shuaiyi L(y)u, Kai Wang*, Liren Zhang, Bailing Wang*

Paper | Code


Global-Local Integration for GNN-based Anomalous Device State Detection in Industrial Control Systems

Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 209, Article 118345, Dec. 2022

Shuaiyi L(y)u, Kai Wang, Liren Zhang, Bailing Wang*

Paper | Code


PA-Cache: Evolving Learning-Based Popularity-Aware Content Caching in Edge Networks

IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1746-1757, Jun. 2021

Qilin Fan, Xiuhua Li*, Jian Li, Qiang He, Kai Wang, Junhao Wen

Paper | Code


Analyzing NDN NACK on Interest Flooding Attack via SIS Epidemic Model

IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 1862-1873, Jun. 2020

Kai Wang, Dongchao Guo*, Wei Quan

Paper | Code

InterestFence: Simple but Efficient Way to Counter Interest Flooding Attack

Computers & Security, vol. 88, Article 101628, Jan. 2020

Jiaqing Dong, Kai Wang*, Wei Quan, Hao Yin

Paper | Code


Betweenness Centrality Based Software Defined Routing: Observation from Practical Internet Datasets

ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, vol. 19, no. 4, Article 50, Nov. 2019

Kai Wang, Wei Quan*, Nan Cheng, Mingyuan Liu, Yu Liu, H. Anthony Chan

Paper | Code

Graph Structure and Statistical Properties of Ethereum Transaction Relationships

Information Sciences, vol. 492, pp. 58-71, Aug. 2019

Dongchao Guo, Jiaqing Dong, Kai Wang*

Paper | Code